SLS 3D printing consultancy

3D printing, fully integrated in your manufacturing process

Looking for a way to optimize your 3D printing process? Contact IM3D! We can help you improve the workflow for 3D printers you have, or aid you in your search for the printer that suits your company’s needs.

Need help to shape your 3D future?


Which is the best 3D printer?

Which one is the best? That is a question we get a lot at IM3D. The answer is not that simple. Every printer has its pros and cons. It is not so much a matter of finding the best printer, but more a matter of finding the right printer for the job you need it to do.

Implementing 3D printing in your manufacturing process

Acquiring the right printer is one thing. Making efficient use of it is another. A 3D printer is a versatile piece of equipment that can be used in many different ways. We help you find the most efficient way to include additive manufacturing in your production or prototyping process. Some examples of the services we provide:

  • Advice on the best setup and the implements needed to make 3D printing a success
  • Advice on the usage and storage and recycling of filaments, powders and liquids
  • Workflow analysis for the 3D printing process
  • Analysis of the desired input for optimal 3D printing
  • Enabling engineers to efficiently communicate their needs and desires to the 3D printing operators

Our 3D printing consultancy service includes many aspects of 3D printing. We think it is important to help you where needed. We do not have a standard consultancy package, but rather address the issues at hand in your company. We work in a cooperative manner to expand your work force’s knowledge and improve efficiency in the long term.

Getting the right printer

You could spend a lot of your time researching all possible brands and types of industrial 3D printers. We don’t recommend it, because we already have and we are happy to help. We can provide you with a shortlist of suitable 3D printers, considering the following criteria:

  • Types of material
  • Required grade of detail and print complexity
  • Required colors in the end product
  • Print quantity
  • Print speed
  • Print quality
  • Usability and user friendliness
  • Requirement of additional equipment
  • Life span
  • Space available
  • Print complexity
  • Printer lifespan
  • Requirements for use of prints in the food industry
  • Medical requirements
  • Special requirements (for example) use in aircraft

Getting the best ROI

An industrial 3D printer is a relatively large expense for any company. With a price range from 5.000 to 500.000 euros, it would be a shame to let the potential of an advanced piece of technology go to waste. That is why IM3D is so keen on efficiency. Efficient 3D printing will result in a better Return in Investment, lowering the costs for your prints and increasing your competitive advantage.

Would you like to know more about our consultancy service?

Ask our CTO Lucas about our expertise!


Training and education

As a part of our consultancy service, we offer training and education. This includes comprehensive safety instructions and best practices for your 3D printer or 3D printing setup.

We also provide maintenance instructions and maintenance schedules. 

We will gladly walk you through all the things you need to know about your (newly acquired) printer. As enthusiasts, we like to share our experiences and knowledge with all types of users: from seasoned operators to 3D printing newbies. Our training can be made suitable for:

  • Company owners
  • Technicians
  • Operators
  • Production workers
  • Engineers
  • Prototypers

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